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Use Retargeting To Maximize Purchases of Outdoor Recreation Product

retargeting outdoor recreation repurchases


A 2021 study by Amazon and Kantar on outdoor recreation products found that 74% of repurchases occur within the first 6x months after purchase — see https://advertising.amazon.com/blog/outdoor-marketing-trends. With three-fourths of repurchasing behavior occurring during this key stage of the customer lifecycle, it’s vital for outdoor recreation advertisers to keep their brand top of mind with customers throughout this half-year period.

Retargeting using paid digital media is often the most effective marketing strategy for outdoor recreation brands to stay in front of customers after a purchase. Retargeting is the digital technique where customers who have visited your website or ecommerce pages are shown your advertising across other digital media channels and websites. By retargeting across paid Search, Social, Display, Video, Native, and other formats an outdoor recreation brand can deliver persuasive advertising and offers directly to customers across each and every media touchpoint during the critical 6x month repurchase window.

Another advantage of retargeting is that it allows outdoor recreation brands to reach and reconnect with website visitors who have not made a purchase yet. Retargeting provides additional points of contact and exposure to your product, service, and more largely your brand, increasing the likelihood of conversion with those people who have already started the purchase process to some degree.

A first step for brands who are looking to get started with retargeting is to place a pixel on their website and/or ecommerce pages to start building their first party data and retargeting audience. Pixels can be created across multiple platforms, channels, and web pages which allows outdoor recreation brands to test and learn where retargeting is performing the strongest. Further, when building website pixels and retargeting audiences it’s important to understand audience and website segmentation to improve relevancy for your ads, look back windows to control recency, and frequency to ensure your ads are not over or under delivered.

If you would like to learn more about retargeting strategies and how Watauga can help, please contact us.


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