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Success Story: Rayonier Outdoor

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The Challenge

  • Each year Rayonier, a leading outdoor land management and forest products company, leases approximately 2 million acres of land for hunting and recreational use. Prior to working with Watauga Group, 15-20% of this land remained without use.
  • Rayonier had exhausted niche print advertising and newspaper classifieds and their budget made it restrictive to create any kind of frequency.
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The Solution

  • Instead of continuing with a single magazine and newspaper insertion within priority markets, online media was used in order to reach this niche audience. This efficiency permitted budgets to stretch across all markets for and 8 – 10 week period while also generating increased frequency
  • All online media or ad listings were purchased on a CPC basis.
  • Site Selection consisted of Ad Networks with Expandable Banners – Impactful creative unit
    running across niche hunting/fishing/outdoor recreation sites.
  • SEM – Search Engine Marketing with keywords focusing on hunting & land for lease.
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The Results

  • Rayonier met their primary goal of leasing the remaining land – Leased 300,000 to 400,000 of land for hunting and recreational use.
  • Rayonier achieved a two-fold increase in site traffic – finding thousands of new customers along the way.