Why Outdoor Recreation and Attractions Brands Should Consider Programmatic Out-of-Home Advertising
Sometimes advertising terms can feel like a constant stream of evolving acronyms. First, there was OOH (out-of-home). Then there was DOOH (digital out-of-home). And now there is pDOOH (programmatic digital out-of-home). pDOOH is the new kid on the OOH block. Programmatic DOOH refers to the automated buying, selling, and delivery of out-of-home advertising in the […]
Hunting Industry Marketing and Advertising Spans All Ages
With any marketing strategy, the better you know your target audience, the more successful you’ll be — you can improve conversions, increase engagement, and maximize return on advertising spend (ROAS). When it comes to the hunting industry, age is a defining audience characteristic. The old-timer who likes to hunt with his lodge buddies will communicate […]
OTT Advertising: Maximizing Reach with Outdoor & Active Lifestyle Audiences
As streaming video, or Over-the-Top (OTT) advertising, becomes increasingly popular, brands in the Outdoor & Active Lifestyle sector are finding OTT to be a powerful medium for reaching target audiences with dynamic, engaging content. By leveraging OTT through Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) like The Trade Desk or Google’s DV360, or by creating custom Private Marketplaces […]
Use Retargeting To Maximize Purchases of Outdoor Recreation Product
Importance of the Six-Month Repurchase Window A study by Amazon and Kantar on outdoor recreation products found that 74% of repurchases occur within the first 6x months after purchase — see https://advertising.amazon.com/blog/outdoor-marketing-trends. With three-fourths of repurchasing behavior occurring during this key stage of the customer lifecycle, it’s vital for outdoor recreation advertisers to keep their […]